Category Archives: Christmas

Christmas Warmth

“let’s keep things nice and cozy”

Nice subtitle from Wordpress for this weeks Weekly Photo Challenge for the word Warmth, so I took it literally, and what better way of showing something cosy than with the family festive Christmas Tree in the Milner household, all glowing by candlelight on a cold winters night.

Festival of Angels

Festival of Angels ©Carl Milner MilnersBlog 62

This weekend me and the lovely Wife visited a truly English Christmas Festival which had transformed the City of York’s unique streets into a wintery wonderland of Ice Sculptures, Festive Stalls, Ice Bars, Street Food and some really cool Street Entertainers. What was even more magical they’d guaranteed a sprinkling of snow, even though fake.. it really added to whole experience.

Although I could write a lot more about the Festival of Angels,  hopefully these 40+ images will tell the story of our day, even though I’ve left quite a few out…which will feature in my Next Post : Black Ice

A Partridge in a Sweartree

I wouldn’t be a typical Yorkshire lad if I didn’t like a good bit of Effing & Blinding and vent a stream of profanities every now and then. Quite simply put..have a bloody good swear.

You may think were these words “Effing & Blinding” come from, well I believe it’s primarily a Yorkshire expression, meaning to pepper your language with obscenities. The “effing” bit is quite easy to understand – it’s euphemistically referring to the “F word”, as in f*ck, or f*cking. NOW!! “Blinding” is a lot trickier – it all depends how old the expression “effing and blinding” is. There’s a British mild swearword “core blimey” – sadly falling into disuse these days – that is allegedly a corruption of “God blind me”, so this may be what it’s referred to.

There’s also the expression “to swear blind” which may be related, meaning to take an oath such as “he swore blind he didn’t do it”.

Anyway.. I’m digressing, back what this post is all about ‘A Partridge in a Sweartree’ Its a Christmas Card available from the Modern Toss website, which when I saw it, thought – that’s going on the blog – So, have a Effing good Christmas and enjoy yourself!!